Is It Better To Replace My Computer Or Repair It - Comp-Pros


Death, taxes, and a slowing computer. Some things are just inevitable. When a computer begins to fail, many find themselves in a state of limbo.

To repair or replace? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. It’s going to come down your personal preferences, and your budget. There are a number of factors that need to be considered when deciding whether to repair or replace your computer.

Here, we’ll guide you through them, and help you make the decision that’s best for you.

What’s Your Budget?

Let’s talk about money. The most obvious factor, and to many, the most important. When considering to repair or replace your machine, it can be unclear which will end up being the most costly.

In order to estimate the cost of a repair, you first need to understand what is causing the problem. There are tests that you can run yourself, but the most reliable is to take your computer to a reputable repair shop, and get a quote.

Next, decide on a budget. Consider the quote you’ve received and compare it to the cost of a new machine. However, you also need to consider the hidden costs. There are hidden costs associated with both repairing an old computer, and with purchasing a new one.

I Want to Repair My Computer

Choosing to repair your computer is often cheaper than investing in a new machine. It also provides a window for customization. Repairing can be an opportunity to choose which parts are going into your computer. However, there can be hidden costs associated with choosing to repair.

When repairing your computer, consider these factors:

Additional Repairs

  • The price of getting your computer in working order is not necessarily the whole picture. Ask yourself, are the repairs you’re making simply a quick fix? Are you just delaying the inevitable? Consider any repairs you will need down the line and factor in the possible cost of those additional repairs.

Data Security

  • Additionally, consider how secure your computer is. Many older machines are operating on outdated software, and are vulnerable to being compromised. You can’t put a price on the security of your data, is it worth compromising to save a couple of bucks?

I Want To Replace My Computer

Buying a new machine can be expensive, but you’ll be getting the newest software and hardware wrapped up neatly in a single package. On the other hand, purchasing a new computer also comes with its own set of hidden costs.

When deciding to purchase a new computer, take these into account:


  • Many peoples entire lives are on their computers. In most cases, not everything is stored on the cloud. That means that you will have to manually transfer over photos, music, documents, and any other files of value. This also means an inherent risk to those files being damaged or lost.

Purchasing Software

  • Due to the popularity of software licencing, you have to include the possible cost of repurchasing the software that was on your old computer. This can be hundreds of dollars for a single program, and can add up to be the most expensive part of an upgrade.

Comfort & Familiarity

  • Do you love your current computer? Is it set up exactly how you like it? You have to consider your level of comfort with the current computer, and the degree to which you’re willing to compromise that. There can be a steep learning curve with a new machine, and that can rattle owners who had hoped for a smooth transition to a new computer.

Repair or replace? Factor all of these hidden costs into your cost-benefit analysis. The only person who can decide what’s right for you is…you! You have to consider what your goals are. What are you trying to accomplish? What’s your budget? What does your computer need to be able to do?

If you find yourself in the greater LA area, with a computer that’s struggling, bring it by Comp-Pros. We’ll give you a fair quote, and help you decide what’s best for you.

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